Orkla Foods Romania is a local business that benefits from the whole know-how and expertise of the group. The multi-local business model allows synergies between group companies to be achieved by sharing best practices and the most efficient and cost-effective support functions.
Constantly Orkla invests in new products and refines existing ones to respond promptly to the needs of their consumers.
Project details

Client: ORKLA Foods România
Implementation date: 2015
Activity: Production
Company website:  Orkla Foods

Crosspoint implementation

Through our collaboration with Point Logistix, we benefit directly from the know-how and experience accumulated by their team from continuing to interact with diverse business and logistics processes: from fashion to food. This makes their suite of solutions very versatile and responsive to the current challenges in the logistics environment. In short, solutions adapt to business and not vice versa.


Supply Chain Manager, Orkla Foods România

Project features

Crosspoint WMS was implemented by Orkla Foods Romania as a result of a successful integration project for the new ERP solution used with WMS solutions of logistics service providers. Through implementation, pallet reporting and serialization using the GS1 pallet tagging standard were process areas at the border between the Production and Logistics departments included in the project.