Air Total International specializes in the production and marketing of aviation fuels for over 60 years.
Products and services provided to major international and regional airports:

  • High quality aviation fuels that meet the strictest safety and environmental standards
  • a full range of dedicated aviation services (technical inspections, fueling, etc.)

AIR TOTAL has a worldwide service network that includes over 295 international airports in 72 countries across 5 continents.

Project details

Client: Air Total
Implementation date: 2008
Activity: Distribution

Crosspoint implementation

The Crosspoint solution was the ideal choice for eliminating much of the time spent on document handling, while providing an easy-to-use tool for colleagues on the ground. Operating errors were quickly addressed through system alerts and summative reports. Many processes involving communications between departments have been optimized by including users in the system. We recommend the Point Logistix team to be shown open to the required requirements, for the speed of implementation, and for the excellent post-implementation support service that we benefit from.

Andrei Moraru

Executive Manager, Air Total Romania

Project features

The implementation of Cross Total WMS for Air Total offered besides a mobile solution that replaced the manual operation of aircraft feeds on 4 airports in Romania and an automation of the posting of documents in the ERP solution, a computer system that allowed the stock to manage well and adjustments resulting from transformations given different operating temperatures (purchase and sale at different densities).