It is a 100% private equity company specializing in the production of folding chairs and small wooden furniture. Located in Sighetu Marmaţiei – Maramureş County, Plimob S.A. has a tradition in the furniture industry for over 100 years. On the platform where the factory is now located, in 1886 a workshop was set up curved chairs and other wooden pieces. In 1898 this workshop was registered under the name of “FIRST FABRIC OF MARAMUREŞ FOR BROKEN MOBILE AND WOODEN GOODS”.
Project details

Client: Plimob
Implementation date: 2015
Field of activity: Production
Company site: Plimob

Crosspoint implementation

Project features

The implementation of a WMS solution within Plimob came as a necessity due to the increased complexity of the logistics processes by splitting stocks between the finished product’s warehouse and the delivery of some customer groups through an external logistics center whose IT solution had to be integrated. The main functionalities implemented include:

  • Client Order Management
  • Transport Planning
  • Production delivery
  • Traceability of specific stock parameters:
    • Production date
    • SSCC palette
    • FSC Type
  • Integrating stock movements with the ERP solution used
  • EDI integration
  • Planned Truck Reception and Qualitative Inspections
  • Document Management
  • Billing