
FOX is one of the largest companies in the meat processing industry in Romania, for which care, food safety and constant product quality are important pillars of the business. Addressing all Romanians in the country and abroad, FOX covers a wide variety of products, constantly innovating and responding to market challenges, through its portfolio that contains tasty products with a constant quality over time. Technological innovation and development is primarily aimed at an environmentally friendly approach, and the end result is a sum of constant technological developments, applied on several levels.

Project details
Client: Fox
Implementation date: 2022
Field of activity: Production
Company website: Fox

Crosspoint implementation

The implementation of the Crosspoint application within Fox resulted as a need to optimize the logistics processes from the Production Packaging Area to the processing of orders in the Delivery Warehouse.The objectives met by the implementation:

  • Real-time capture in the system of all important transactions;
  • Optimum management of processes, with the elimination of processed information in physical format and increased productivity;
  • Obtaining product traceability for locations in the warehouse, and orders delivered to customers;
  • Significant reduction of operating errors, simplified inventory processing and increased inventory accuracy;
  • The significant improvement of the reporting of performance indicators.

Fox is continuously improving processes and reporting in Crosspoint WMS, we mention here the availability of our partners in this process and the fact that optimal solutions have been found for all system requirements.

Alexandru Sirbu

Logistics Manager

Project features

The implementation of Crosspoint within Fox resulted from a need to integrate the automations within the logistics workflows, to increase the speed of transaction processing, while improving the traceability of operations in the company’s central warehouse. The functionalities aimed to balance the volume of tasks between picking users and at the same time maximize the volume loaded in picking crates/boxes.

The application modules were customized to meet these requirements, keeping the integration of all stock transactions with the existing ERP solution. The advanced components implemented consist of:

  • Production Packaging
  • Weighing validation process integrated in the reception workflow
  • Picking KA orders with Value Added Services requirements
  • Automation integrated for picking (conveyor)
  • Pick-by-light integration
  • Conveyor scale integration
  • Palletizing robot integration
  • Integrate line scanners
  • Advanced algorithms, optimization, order preparation by route
  • Automatic allocation of tasks.