Expo Tranzit 2018
Event Presentation
The third edition of Expo Tranzit took place in Cluj-Napoca between April 26-27. More than 450 managers in logistics and freight transport have participated. During the conferences and stalls, the products and services of the 60 partners of the event were presented.
Point Logistix brought to the attention of the participants a case study on the implementation of WMS Crosspoint at Cris-Tim.
The presentation was supported by Andrei Chiteş – Managing Partner, Point Logistix.
From Cris-Tim, Anişoara Cioroba – Logistics Manager and Ştefan Luca from the Key Users team participated.
Event program
First day:
- Romanian logistics map
- new data protection provisions
- changes in SC (supply chain) that electronic commerce and computerization
- case studies on WMS implementation
The next day:
- Meeting with Transport Minister Lucian Sova – who spoke about the Road Package negotiations and the labor force crisis in construction and transport
- Meeting with the ITM representative Florin Cosma – who presented the new provisions on the timing of international transport drivers and the payment according to the Labor Code and the laws stipulating the payment of the minimum wage in some EU states
- A meeting with lawyer Frederik Vanden Bogaerde, specialized in intra-Community transport issues – who spoke about the impact of the latest European Court of Justice rulings, especially those concerning the control and fine-tuning of normal weekly rest breaks

Case Study
Implementing Crosspoint WMS at Cris-Tim.
Project presented at the 2018 Expo Tranzit Conference by Andrei Chiteş – Managing Partner, Point Logistix.
Point Logistix
WMS implementation
President, Grup Cris-Tim
WMS implementation
Logistics Manager, Grup Cris-Tim